Shana Marie 
Multi Disciplinary Creative, Art Director and Consultant

Diligent and conscientious, Shana is a multidisciplinary creative based in South West London. She aims to creatively communicate in authentic and purposeful ways to cause real impact, through unique storytelling. With a specific focus on human-centred design, she prides herself in portraying real people and their voices throughout her work. 

Shana has recently launched a passion project, ShanaVersity - a digital library housing topical reports through an gen-z lens. Read more here.

Follow me on socials
Instagram, Substack, TikTok, LinkedIn, CV

Select Clients Include:
Slug and Lettuce
Portland N’ Pals 
Paul Smith Foundation
& More
Currently working at Born Social, Midweight Creative

For all enquires and press related queries including headshots please contact via email.

YouTube | Yoodles

Client: YouTube

Agency: Anyways Creative

Role: Art Director, Creative

Year: 2022
An illustration forward campaign designed to speak authentically and represent members of the International Indigenous People’s community and Sign Language community on the platform. After conducting research and interviewing members of both communities, we commissioned artist Luke Swinson and Jaycob Campbell to bring their stories to life. 

The Yoodle is a YouTube’s version of the Google Doodle. It acts as an extension of YouTube’s brand identity, brings a moment of delight to their users, and communicates their support of different communities or events. The Yoodle is featured in multiple places throughout the user interface, which calls for a range of deliverables from each artist. This included a Logo Spot Asset that worked in both light and dark themes. A static illustration for the homepage promotional card, and a version of the homepage promo illustration optimised for Channel Art format.

Each of these communities are broad and nuanced, so we spoke to real people in the communities as well as online research to gain authentic and valuable insights. We worked closely with members of the Indigenous Community to gain a better understanding and inform our design brief for the artists. As a team we researched and contacted Cleopatra TataBele; New York based creative, educator, activist and facilitator. She informed us about a range of Indigenous Tribes, their culture, customs and her company Abuela Taught Me.

We also hired SignKid; London-based writer, producer, singsong rapper and founder of Viewable as a creative consultant. Identifying as person first, disability second, SignKid impacted our research significantly as he provided insight into the different forms of Sign Language and the uniqueness of the community.

We provided Luke and Jaycob with a creative brief, filled with our initial findings and thought starters that they could use as inspiration. Below are the initial sketches from both artists. 

Jaycob Campbell aka Gonketa is a deaf visual artist based in Melbourne. His work focuses primarily on movements of shapes formed by hands and gestures. His use of bold colours and exaggerated expressions relate to the non-verbal communication used in Sign Language.

Full Article Link Here.

Luke Swinson is a visual artist with Anishinaabe roots from Kitchener, Ontario. A member of the Mississagugas of Acugog Island First Nation, Luke’s work reflects his desire to better understand and reclaim his Indigenous culture. Through his projects he promotes cultural education and preservation as well as community. 

Full Article Link Here

Collaborators Consultants
Cleopatra TataBele

Luke Swinson
Ana Pelamor
All Credit Belongs To YHWH, I’m Just A Vessel